Monday, October 30, 2017


Hi folks,

Got some news--Down and Out Books has just reissued my novel, JUST LIKE THAT! It has a new cover which I really like. If you haven't read it before you might want to glom onto a copy now. It's about 85% autobiographical and is centered on a road trip I made with a rappie from Pendleton and on my time in the joint.

Assistant Warden Cathy Johns of The Farm (Louisiana state joint at Angola) read it and told me it was "the truest account of the criminal mind" she'd ever read. One thing I promise--you won't see any bullshit about "shivs" or any crap like the myth MSNBC puts out about prisons in it...

Hope you get a copy and hope you enjoy the read. If you like it, please consider leaving a short review on Amazon and Goodreads. It's the single best thing you can do for a writer and we appreciate it when you do.

Blue skies,

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